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The tiger began to age and weaken, he felt that he would soon die.

13. März 2020 | Kieu Bui

The tiger began to age and weaken, he felt that he would soon die.

This is the psycho-correctional meaning of rewriting a fairy tale. Staging fairy tales with the help of dolls. Working with a doll, the child sees that her every action immediately affects the behavior of the doll. This helps her to adjust her movements and make the doll’s behavior as expressive as possible. Working with dolls allows you to improve and show through the doll those emotions that usually a child for some reason can not afford to show. Drawing based on a fairy tale. The child’s free associations are revealed in the picture. Drawings are analyzed, the behavior and motives of the character’s actions are discussed, children give them an assessment: good – bad. Playing fairy tale episodes. Playing episodes of a fairy tale gives the child the opportunity to feel some emotionally significant situations and experience certain emotions. Writing fairy tales is so interesting and useful! On the one hand, this process promotes the development of imagination, on the other – allows the child to inform others about their problems. It is better not to interfere in what and how the child invents. Although at the initial stage, to set an example, you can compose a fairy tale with her. A fairy tale heard from a child will help to understand his problems and difficulties.

Recommendations for adults to compose a therapeutic fairy tale

Start from afar. Traditionally, phrases denoting time are used: „a long time ago“, „in the days of King Pea“, „in antiquity“, „last year“, „such and such a number and such and such a year“ and so on … Mark the place where the events will take place. In classical fairy tales it sounds like this: „in some kingdom-state“, „in the thirtieth kingdom“, „in one forest“. But nothing prevents you from coming up with something of your own, especially if the fairy tale is medical and designed to help your child cope with a problem. You can choose your school, your city or village, playground or kindergarten as a place for fabulous events. Invent a protagonist who would look like a child to whom a fairy tale is addressed. Let the hero love those things that the child 123helpme.me is not indifferent to, has similar habits and hobbies. But you should not completely copy the child in the heroes of the story. It is necessary to make the character fabulous, interesting, funny, charming, which will cause the child the most ardent sympathy and desire to be in his place. Symbolically mark the problem (by no means directly!). It should reflect the situation in which the child finds himself. Change the situation so that it is only guessed, make it truly fabulous, charming, but fully recognizable. However, do not reduce the difficulties faced by the protagonist. Come up with a sequel. Here you can enter the game anti-hero / heroes that will aggravate the problem, or do without them. The main thing: the problem should be aggravated as much as possible, brought to absurdity. Develop the story so that it becomes clear – the hero just can not do something about the problem. Solve his fairy-tale problem together with the hero. The hero of the fairy tale must come to the solution of the problem so that the child sees a way out of his own – the one under which the fairy tale was invented. Let the hero show his best qualities in the process, use various resources, becoming stronger, smarter, kinder, bolder along the way. Bring your hero out of all the adventures as the undisputed winner. Rejoice with the child in his success and courage, and then discuss with the child why this story taught the character of the fairy tale, how he will continue to behave in a similar situation. A fairy tale for fairy tale therapy is often composed for each child separately, taking into account its features, based on the problems and fears that are inherent in a particular child. Such a fairy tale should give the child the opportunity to resort to introspection. The protagonist experiences the same emotions as the child, overcomes the same fears and complexes, finds solutions to the problem situation. The child compares himself with the character, analyzes his behavior and, as a result, learns to overcome difficulties of various kinds in real life, gets rid of the shortcomings that are inherent in it now.

Sample therapeutic fairy tale (to overcome television and computer addiction in children)

Recently one dark night in our apartment I heard a strange conversation. I think it will not surprise you that in our apartments at night all objects come to life: both furniture, and toys.

So that’s what conversation I had to hear at night.

I hear someone bragging:

– As soon as Sasha loves me! Just adores. Watching football, and „The Smartest“, and a movie about Harry Potter, I’m tired of entertaining him today. (You probably guessed it was on TV).

I even took offense at him a little. He’s tired! And I’m not tired of him? One channel does not show, the second flashes, the third – no broadcast.

When I hear:

– Yes, there you are. Sasha loves me the most. How much he plays on me! His favorite games: GTA San Andreas, Worms, Vice City – have killed all my memory. And how to click on the buttons?! Just awful!

I listened, and I couldn’t believe it. Can my computer say that about me? I click because the keys sink.

„Don’t brag!“ Sasha loves me the most, ”was heard from the corner where the old telephone was on the shelf.

„Ha-ha-ha,“ the TV and the computer laughed at the same time.

– You ?! Are you completely out of your mind, man?

– That’s not it. No matter which of you Sasha plays with, but when I call, he immediately throws everything and hurries to me, picks up the phone, and I give him the voice of his mother, who calls from work. And can you give Sasha his mother’s voice, which he is waiting for? My call to him is the most expensive.

The next day I woke up late. My mother was no longer at home. She goes to work early, and on the table is a note: „Breakfast on the table.“ I did not want to have breakfast. I didn’t even rush to the computer, turn on the TV as usual, or even call Anton in the morning to talk about football or a new game. I so wanted to hear my mother’s voice. I decided to call her at work. But I forgot (it’s just awful!), I forgot my mother’s work phone number. I was sad and ashamed because I knew all the TV channels, computer game codes by heart and suddenly forgot my mother’s number. I wanted to cry. I so wanted to hear her voice now …

I looked at my watch and waited.

At about this time, my mother always calls home and asks if I had breakfast or medication. I thought with horror: and suddenly the phone does not work? I picked up the phone – there was a beep. I was waiting … I just sat by the phone and kept my eyes on it …

And suddenly – a call. I grabbed the phone. It was Mom’s voice. The voice of the best mother in the world.

Do you remember your mother’s voice? Haven’t you forgotten your mother’s phone number? Call her right now – and you’ll hear the best voice in the world – Mom’s voice.

Fairy tale therapy is often used for educational purposes in separate classes with younger students.

Example of a lesson with the use of fairy tale therapy Topic: What does it mean to be kind?


to help the child realize his inner world and personal values; to develop children’s self-awareness; to support children’s motivation in learning and self-awareness.

Equipment: albums, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, the Indian folk tale „Do the world remember the good?“ (abbreviated and adapted version).

The course of the lesson

I. Introductory word of the teacher

All children love fairy tales. Each of you has a favorite fairy tale. And do you know, friends, that a fairy tale is not just an interesting story, but an important message from our distant ancestors. These are a kind of encrypted instructions, life lessons that previous generations have accumulated, stored and passed on to future generations as the most valuable treasure – so that descendants know how to make their lives happy.

Let’s try to decipher these messages with you.

– What do you think it means to be kind? Is it possible to resist evil and remain good?

– Listen to the Indian folk tale „Do the world remember the good?“ Maybe you will find answers to your questions in it.

II. Reading (telling) the fairy tale „Do people in the world remember the good?“ teacher

Do the world remember the good?

A long, long time ago, a tiger and a tigress lived in a dark, dense jungle, and they had three babies. The tiger began to age and weaken, he felt that he would soon die. He called his children to him and announced a farewell will to them:

„My children,“ said the tiger, „remember that the tiger, the king of the woods, hunts all beasts, and they must not object to him.“ There is only one beast I want to warn you against, one is stronger and more cunning than a tiger. Call him Man, and before death I warn you: beware, do not hunt him and do not kill him.

With these words, the old tiger lay on his side and died.

Of the three children, the two older ones were smart and followed their father’s advice: they chased only deer, wild boars and various other animals in the forest, and avoided people like wildfire. But the younger was capricious and had his intentions:

– What kind of creature is this Man? I heard that she did not have much strength, but she had neither fangs nor claws. I overcome both a deer and a wild boar with one blow, and I will overcome a Man.

The young tiger was not stopped by the pleas of his mother or brothers, who warned him and reminded him of the will of the tiger-father. He woke up at dawn and went to look for the Man.

An old buffalo met him on the road. His back was streaked with old whips. The tiger never saw the man and asked the buffalo:

– Who are you? Can Man?

– No, I’m just an old, poor buffalo.

„Here’s how,“ said the tiger. „Then maybe you can tell me what kind of creature this Man is, because I want to find him and kill him.“

„Beware, young tiger,“ said the buffalo, „it is a dangerous and insidious creature.“ For many years I was a servant of Man: I carried heavy burdens on my back and wiped my sides with them. While I was young and strong, my husband valued and fed me, and now that I was old and weak and could no longer work for him, he drove me into the woods. Beware, beware of Man, do not look for him and do not try to kill, he is cunning and dangerous.

Only the young tiger laughed and went on his way.

After a while he met an old elephant grazing in the meadow. His skin was all wrinkled and wrinkled, his eyes were cloudy from old age, behind his ears were large scars where he was beaten on the head with a stick.

„What kind of beast are you?“ The tiger asked. „Maybe a man?“

– No, I’m just an old elephant.

– That’s how? Well, if you’re so old, maybe you know what kind of beast it is, Man? I want to find her, kill her and eat her.

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